- Developer/Project Proponent: Renew Moline
- Renew Moline Role: Securing project funding ($65,000) from the Deere Foundation, City of Moline, MetroLINK and the Urban Land Institute; program application, project management and oversight of the contract.
- Completion Date: 2021
In July of 2019, Renew Moline applied to the Urban Land Institute’s Chicago office to explore a Technical Assistance Panel to guide planning for the City’s riverfront following construction from the new I-74 bridge. The Chicago staff team came to Moline to discuss the project with Renew Moline and City staff and felt that the opportunity was significant enough to warrant attention from the national ULI Americas’ Advisory Services Panel (ASP). After acceptance of Renew’s application to the program and several COVID-related delays, an eight-member multidisciplinary panel, led by former three-term Pittsburgh Mayor Tom Murphy convened virtually. The ULI Panel provided its findings to Renew, the City and the community in a presentation and formal report that is published and available on ULI’s website. The ASP’s virtual session was held in April 2021, and the presentation and formal report were finalized and published in July 2021. The $65,000 cost of the ASP was shared by Renew Moline, the City of Moline, The Deere Foundation and MetroLINK.

View the Urban Land Institute’s final report for future redevelopment possibilities in the I-74 Corridor.