Planning Studies

Studies Conducted by Renew Moline

The work conducted by Renew Moline extends to studying various issues that affect downtown’s development potential.  Renew has sought grants to study topics of importance (e.g. the future of the Spiegel Building) and conducted its own due diligence to investigate the residential housing market and prepare sites for marketing and redevelopment. 

Spiegel Building Feasibility Studies:

PGAV Planners – Market Demand Report and Feasibility Analysis – in late 2021, Renew Moline and the City of Moline hired PGAV Planners to evaluate potential uses for the Spiegel Building, located adjacent to the new I-74 Bridge. PGAV’s early work, a Market Demand Report, explored current trends in population, business development, demand, and existing supply in the region for a “food based” reuse concept. The study was completed in September 2022. The Feasibility Analysis explored one potential building layout and estimated costs for such a project. The “food-based ecosystem” concept explored through the PGAV contracts resulted in a “story map” illustrating the reuse scenario that was the basis for the studies. The Feasibility Analysis was completed in December 2021. The study is available upon request.

MKSK in partnership with New Venture Advisors – Given general interest in the “food based” approach to Spiegel reuse, Renew Moline sought grant funding to further evaluate the concept. Under the banner of the City’s Riverfront Plan, Renew Moline contracted with MKSK and New Venture Advisors to conduct detailed market research of the local food systems, producers and buyers, facility evaluation (the Spiegel Building) and develop cost and operating models. The study is currently scheduled to be complete in November 2024.

Downtown Housing Assessment (2020)

Renew Moline contracted with DiSalvo Development Advisors to assess the need for market rate housing downtown. The Downtown Housing Assessment was completed in early 2020, immediately preceding the global pandemic. The study looked at 14,000 units in the Iowa and Illinois Quad Cities and concluded that there is a lack of moderately priced one- and two-bedroom units downtown, a condition that has been exacerbated post pandemic. Also, the study found that there was “a market” for almost 400 units in Moline over the subsequent five-year period. The study is available upon request.

Apartment Development Feasibility Analysis (2022)

Renew Moline contracted with DiSalvo Development Advisors and Gossman Group Design & Planning to update the findings of the 2020 Housing study in preparation for Renew Moline’s acquisition of 1701 5th Avenue. This more recent study concluded that the property consisting of a former JCPenney department store and parking lot could support 113-150 units and that there was limited opportunity for the developer to contribute to the site acquisition cost. The study was completed in April 2022, and is available upon request.