Take A Look At Ideas For The Speigel Building!
Take a look at ideas for the Spiegel Building! Read more about this project which could add an entirely new appearance to downtown Moline!

About Renew Moline
Our Mission
Renew Moline is the non-profit economic development entity dedicated to planning for the future; facilitating development; connecting resources and people; and advocating for public policies and programs in order to realize opportunities for continued investment in and repositioning of Moline, Illinois’ riverfront into the place to live, work, play and learn.
We provide professional service for your development projects.
Renew Moline can help identify properties for development, assist in scoping and developing a project concept, and provide support and guidance in obtaining financial support and incentives available through various sources. Renew’s support for development starts long before a project is built, and extends long after it is completed. We understand that success requires the long view. Renew Moline’s successful collaboration with local, state and federal government agencies has resulted in a nearly $450 million investment in renovation and newly built properties in Moline Centre, Edgewater Riverfront area, and the Floreciente Neighborhood.

Downtown Moline
We focus on creating memorable downtown experiences
Through a contract with the City of Moline, Renew manages the City’s largest downtown business improvement district (or “Special Service Area”) known as SSA #6. The Moline Centre Program Manager promotes downtown businesses, plans special events and manages the maintenance contracts.
We work to create better neighborhoods and increase all types of housing.
Renew Moline and the Moline Community Development Corporation joined forces in 2022 to expand both organizations’ capacity to increase and improve housing options. This partnership has allowed MCDC to develop programs specifically to serve and improve neighborhoods and the properties within them.
We provide support and advocacy for City projects and planning initiatives.

Our Members